Our Authors

Here’s a list of all of our authors.

Meet Linda Anderson, a passionate dental health advocate and author at 4Smile. With a fervent dedication to promoting optimal oral hygiene, Linda's articles are not just informative but transformative. Through her words, she empowers readers with practical tips and insightful information to nurture radiant smiles and lifelong dental wellness. Join Linda on her mission to inspire healthier smiles, one article at a time.7 Articles

Frank West is a passionate advocate for dental health and oral hygiene, serving as an esteemed author at 4Smile. With a commitment to empowering readers with the latest tips and insights, Frank dedicates himself to ensuring everyone can achieve and maintain excellent oral health. Through engaging and informative articles, he strives to make a positive impact on individuals' lives, one smile at a time.7 Articles

Sterling Fischer is the luminary wordsmith behind the captivating articles at 4Smile. With a pen dipped in passion and expertise, Sterling weaves tales of dental health and oral hygiene that captivate minds and brighten smiles. As an avid advocate for oral wellness, Sterling's mission is clear: to empower readers with the knowledge and tools they need to embrace a lifetime of dental brilliance. Dive into Sterling's world of words and let your smile shine brighter than ever before.7 Articles

Introducing Hazel Justice, your dental health storyteller at 4Smile. With a blend of passion and precision, Hazel crafts narratives that unravel the mysteries of oral health with finesse. As a beacon of knowledge in the realm of dentistry, she's on a mission to illuminate the path to brighter smiles and healthier mouths. Join Hazel on a journey where each article is a revelation, paving the way for a world where dental wellness is not just a goal but a way of life.6 Articles

Welcome to 4Smile! I'm Thomas Garling, your go-to author for all things dental health and oral hygiene. At 4Smile, we believe a healthy smile is a gateway to confidence and overall well-being. My mission is to provide you with the most effective tips, insightful information, and cutting-edge research to help you achieve and maintain a dazzling smile.6 Articles

Hello there! I'm Sarah Vance, your advocate for optimal oral health at 4Smile. Here, we're dedicated to revolutionizing the way you approach dental care, and I'm honored to be your partner on this journey.4 Articles

Greetings from 4Smile! I'm Thelma Crawford, your beacon of oral health wisdom in the vast sea of dental care. Here, we embark on a journey toward brighter smiles and healthier mouths, and I'm thrilled to be your guide.4 Articles

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